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2025 Area 21 Delegate Monthly Roundtable

February 6 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Delegate Roundtable (Thursdays at 7:00 PM)

Monthly discussion forum with your Area 21 panel 75 Delegate Jodi B.
Discuss what’s important in your Group, District, Area, and AA.

This will be a recurring meeting every month on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM.


Hello Area 21!

The next Delegate’s Roundtable is Thursday, February 6th at 7:00PM CST.

This meeting is an open forum each month where we have a Tradition presented and then have a topic or speaker, followed by a discussion. For this month’s meeting, there will be a presentation/discussion of Tradition Two by Tom H., past Delegate (A21/P73) and current Area 21 Chairperson.

Following this will be a presentation on “Leadership in AA: Ever a Vital Need” by Don M., past Delegate (A10/P49), past Non-Trustee Director on AAWS and past General Service Trustee on the GV board. This topic is based on the essay by Bill W. within Concept IX. I felt this would be a timely topic as we prepare for the Conference of Delegate’s Past and Present and discussions of choosing our next Regional Trustee and Trustee at Large-US in the next several months.

I am very excited to hear both of these presentations and I think it will be a great hour of AA information and sharing.

This meeting is open to everyone in the Area, so if you know someone interested in attending who is not on our Area mailing list, feel free to invite them.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you there!

Meeting ID: 883 6069 3283
Passcode: 413794

Click to Join Zoom Meeting


February 6
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm